The Complete Personal Development Course - 22 Courses in 1

The Most Comprehensive Masterclass in Personal Development - Start Growing Today!

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 54 Hours

Price: $129.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Release Yourself From Emotional Pain And Frustration By Discovering How Emotions Really Work And How You Can Gain Greater Mastery
  • Breakthrough Personal Illusions And Unleash Your Hidden Potential
  • Gain Hidden Knowledge Of What Drives Motivation - The Master Key To Success
  • Discover How The “Imprint Period” Has Literally Programmed You For Life … And How To Reprogram It
  • How False Personas Drive The Habits And Behaviors Of Yourself And Others … Take Back Control And Free Yourself
  • Discover How Pain & Pleasure Rule Your Life … And The Secret Of How To Make This Work For You Instead Of Against You
  • Learn How Self-Image Determines What You Will And Won’t Do
  • And Much, Much More...! This Is Just The First Section Of The Training!
  • No experience required
  • Suitable for everyone!
*Update - A 50-Questions Master Quiz has been added! :)

If You Only Buy ONE Course This Year … It GOT To Be This One!

With over 54 hours of video content, 283 lectures, downloadable resources and bonuses - this is one of the most comprehensive personal development courses available!

You'll also get access to:

Lifetime Access to course updates

Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

To make sure you find the information you are looking for the easiest, we have divided our Masterclass to 22 main sections:

1. Psychology - Why People Do The Things They Do

In this section, you are going to:

Gain A Deep Understanding Of The Values And Beliefs That Drive People’s Every Action

Release Yourself From Emotional Pain And Frustration By Discovering How Emotions Really Work And How You Can Gain Greater Mastery

Breakthrough Personal Illusions And Unleash Your Hidden Potential

Gain Hidden Knowledge Of What Drives Motivation - The Master Key To Success

Discover How The “Imprint Period” Has Literally Programmed You For Life … And How To Reprogram It

Discover How Pain & Pleasure Rule Your Life … And The Secret Of How To Make This Work For You Instead Of Against You

See How False Personas Drive The Habits And Behaviors Of Yourself And Others … Take Back Control And Free Yourself

Learn How Self-Image Determines What You Will And Won’t Do

2. Persuasion Strategies

In this section, you are going to:

Mastery Of The 6 Major Skills Of Persuasion

Ability To Spot When Persuasion Is Being Used On YOU!

Powerful Ways To Get Your Ideas Across

Vastly Improved Communication Skills

Powerful Selling Skills

Be More Likeable & Trustworthy In The Eyes Of Others

Powerful Ability To Motivate Others!

Exceptional Rapport Skills

3. Communication Skills

In this section, you are going to:

Learn to Connect Faster With Other People

Boost "Likeablility"

Have Deeper Relationships with Others

Be Heard More By Others

Be More Influential

Be More Successful At Work & Home

Improve Relationships

Be Better Able To Get Your Needs Met

Create Closeness & Understanding

Achieve Your Goals Faster

4. REBT - Reprogram Your Mind!

In this section, you are going to:

Learn the Science of How to Program Your Mind

Banish Negative Self-Talk

Eliminate False Beliefs That Hold You Back!

Gain a Deeper Understanding of WHY People Do the Things They Do

Great for Dealing with Anxiety, Depression, Addiction & Other Mental Challenges

Remove OLD Pain & Limiting Beliefs

Program your Mind For Massive Success & Confidence

Master Difficult Emotions!

Remove Negative Habits & Install Positive Habits!

5. NLP - Duplicate Excellence

In this section, you are going to:

Gain A Rich Understanding of NLP - How It Works & How to Apply it!

Learn the Science of How to Duplicate The "Talents" of Others in Yourself - Fast!

Gain FAR Greater Emotional Control & Mastery

Develop Positive Self-Esteem and Powerful Confidence

Learn how to Develop Powerful New Skills & Habits Fast & Easy!

Gain Amazing Insights Into How Your Mind Works

6. ZEN Teachings

In this section, you are going to:

Gain A Basic and Advanced Understanding of Zen Principles

Learn Life-Changing New Ideas & Philosophies

Gain a New Perspective on The World

Understand WHY People Do The Things They Do & Are The Way They Are

Gain Relief from Mental Suffering

Remove OLD Pain & Limiting Beliefs

Gain a Deeper Understanding of Yourself

Learn Ancient Coping Skills

Explore New Ways Of Seeing & Being In The World

Learn Deep Psychological Insights That Will Give You An Unfair Advantage In Life

Discover How To Break Free And Heal Yourself

Learn The Tools of Peace & Serenity

7. Time Management

In this section, you are going to:

Learn to Have More Time

Lower Stress

Boost Productivity

Make More Money

Get Promoted Faster

Improve Your Business

Get YEARS of Your Life Back

8. Leadership

In this section, you are going to:

Learn The Hidden Secrets Of Transformational Leadership NOT Taught Elsewhere

Cutting-edge Leadership & Persuasion Strategies of Top Leaders

How To Deal With Staff Issues Quickly & Easily

Secrets Of How REAL Leaders Succeed

Eliminate Old Lies & Misperceptions About Leading

The REAL Way to Rise Above Other Leaders

Gain New Empowering & Effective Beliefs & Values

Secret Strategies To Get the MOST Out Of Your Team

Secrets of The World's BEST Leaders

& Much, Much More!

9. Networking Skills

In this section, you are going to:

Learn Powerful Networking Tools & Strategies - Unique!

Learn How the Law Of Reciprocity Can Work For You

Learn the Power of the "Likeability Factor"

Hot / Targeted Places to Network

Best Online Networking Strategies For Success

Mentors - The Power To Transform Your Life!

10. Motivation

In this section, you are going to:

You will have greater skills in Motivating yourself and others.

You will greatly improve your ability to get things done and tasks will be easier to complete!

You will greatly improve your ability have a positive influence on others.

You will have a greater understanding of yourself & others

You will have an unfair advantage in life and in your career!

11. Dealing With Difficult People

In this section, you are going to:

You Will Have Specific Skills to Handle Each Major Type Of Difficult Person Effectively

Be More Effective In Dealing With Office Politics

Be Better Able To Set Boundaries

Understand Difficult People Better - Understand Why They Do What they Do

You Will Have Unique Strategies For Dealing With Difficult People Not Found Elsewhere

12. Coping Skills

In this section, you are going to:

Learn How To Conquer Stress!

Reduce Negative Self-Talk

Boost Your Personal Power

Learn Problem Special Solving Skills

“Re-Write” Your STORY

Understand & Boost Self-Esteem

Boost Relationship Skills

Learn "The Power Of Habits"

13. Stress Management

In this section, you are going to:

Learn What Causes Stress & The Solutions

Discover How To Get A Fantastic Nights Sleep

Learn How to Feel Better - Right Away!

Gain Relief From Nagging Thoughts & Worries

Learn How To Eliminate The CAUSES Of Stress

Gain More Emotional Freedom & Control Of Your Life!

14. Customer Service

In this section, you are going to:

STOP Losing Money Due to Poor or Average Customer Service!

Make MORE Money from Each Customer!

SAVE a Fortune in Advertising Dollars!

Get MORE Referrals!

Solve Problems FAST!

Retain Existing Customers!

Learn How to Create an Outstanding Customer Service Experience

Learn the 5 Tenets of TQM

Avoid the 10 Deadly Sins of Customer Service!

How to Handle Difficult Customers like a PRO!

... and MUCH More!!!

15. Parenting Skills

In this section, you are going to:

Learn How to Talk In A Way That Your Children Will Listen & Change!

Understand The Power Of Relationships & How To Use It Effectively

Be A Powerful Influence on Your Children

Learn HOW Your Kids Think!

Understand HOW To Use The Tools Of Consequences & Life Lessons

How to Instill Great Values In Your Children!

How To Have Less Conflict & MORE Love!

Learn How to Mentor Your Children Into Highly-Effective Adults

How To Have a Deeper & Stronger Relationship With Your Children

16. Physical & Mental Health

In this section, you are going to:

Understand what is more important: diet or exercise?

Discover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy eating.

Learn the difference between “good” and “bad” fats.

Discover how the food pyramid works … and how it can benefit your health when used the right way.

Discover how healthy eating can reduce or illuminate many ailments.

Find out how healthy eating can reduce stress.

Discover how to eat to boost energy & vitality.

Uncover how a healthy diet can improve mental health conditions.

17. Freedom From Pain

In this section, you are going to:

Learn How Self-Image Determines What You Will And Won’t Do … And So Much More!

Discover How Pain & Pleasure Rule You Life … And The Secret Of How To Make This Work For You Instead Of Against You

Discover How The “Imprint Period” Has Literally Programmed You For Life … And How To Reprogram It

Breakthrough Personal Illusions And Unleash Your Hidden Potential

Gain The Secret Of How To Free Yourself From Your Past

Release Yourself From Emotional Pain And Frustration By Discovering How Emotions Really Work And How You Can Gain Greater Mastery

See How False Personas Drive The Habits And Behaviors Of Yourself And Others … Take Back Control And Free Yourself

Gain A Deep Understanding Of What Drives People’s Every Action

18. From Pain To Power

In this section, you are going to:

Gain The Secret Of How To Free Yourself From Your Past

Gain A Deep Understanding Of What Drives People’s Every Action

Learn How To Get a Good Nights Sleep - TONIGHT!

Breakthrough Personal Illusions & Unleash Your Hidden Potential

Learn How Self-Image Determines What You Will And Won’t Do … And So Much More!

Release Yourself From Emotional Pain And Frustration By Discovering How Emotions Really Work And How You Can Gain Greater Mastery

See What Drives The Habits And Behaviors Of Yourself And Others … Take Back Control And Free Yourself

Learn ways To Beat Anxiety & Depression

Discover How Pain & Pleasure Rule Your Life … And The Secret Of How To Make This Work For You Instead Of Against You

Learn How To Deal With Difficult Emotions

19. Beating Anxiety

In this section, you are going to:

Discover How To Banish Worry & Live An Anxiety Free Life!

Learn How To Overcoming Your Resistance To Change

Discover How To How To Face Your Inner Demons … And WIN!

Learn How Leap Over Self-Imposed Obstacles

Discover How To Prevent Burnout ... And ENJOY Your Life!

Discover How Acceptance Can Be A Powerful Key To Freedom From Anxiety

Learn To STOP Your Own Negative Thoughts & Self-Sabotage

20. Beating Depression

In this section, you are going to:

Gain A Deep Understand Of Depression

Learn About The Physical & Psychological Effects Of Depression

Understand The Science (& Statistics) Of Depression

Destroy The 11 Myths About Depression

Discover Hidden Secrets For Beating Depression

Explore Various Depression Medications & How They Can Help

Learn Specific Tools, Strategies & Techniques To BEAT DEPRESSION!

21. Success Rituals

In this section, you are going to:

New Approaches To Life & Career To Attain Success

How To Follow The Rituals Of Some Of the MOST Successful People In the World!

Learn The KEY Fundamentals That Lead To Massive Success

How To Conquer Your Fears … And Achieve Your Goals

Learn The Difference Between Empowering Rituals and DIS-Empowering Rituals

Discover Simple, Easy Rituals That Dramatically BOOST Mood & Health!

Learn Specific Morning & Evening Rituals That Can Give You An UNFAIR Advantage In Life!

22. Life Skills

In this section, you are going to:

How To BIG Goals That Will Transform Your LIFE!

How To Make REAL Decisions … Stick To Them …And GET Results!

Discover The Life Skills That Have The BIGGEST Impact On Your SUCCESS & How You FEEL

Learn That There is NO Such Thing As Failure … Everything Can Be Used To Move You Forward … When You Know These Hidden SECRETS!

Discover How To Get More & More Intelligent & Creative Over Time .. With VERY Little Effort

Discover That Nothing Is Impossible … If You Use The Skills We Share With You In This Course

Learn The Secrets Of How To Program Your Mind To Think Better Than Ever Before!

+1: Lifetime Access to Future Updates!

PS – Study This Course Carefully … And You Will Have An Unfair Advantage For Life In Virtually Every Area Of Your Life … Amazing!

Who this course is for:

  • People Who Want More Control Over Themselves & Their Lives
  • People Who Want to Boost Their Self-esteem
  • People Who Want Freedom From Old Pain & Hurts
  • People Who Want to Understand Themselves & Others Better
  • People Who Want MORE Out Of Life!