CentOS Linux and Ubuntu Linux: Managing Packages

Linux: Learn to run BASH commands to: install, remove, collect information, check, search, upgrade the packages

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $84.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Manage Packages with RPM and YUM
  • Manage Packages with dpkg and APT or Aptutude
  • An access to command line of any linux distro (on physical or virtual machine)
This course is aimed to IT Pros or people who want to get familiar with Linux. And it's supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Package Management in Linux. The goal is to provide coverage of tasks including topics like Manage Packages with RPM and YUM and Manage Packages with dpkg and APT or Aptitude.

The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use BASH commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.

There are several ways you can take if you need to add software to your Linux system. You can compile source code, manually install software packages, or use package management software to automate most of the work. In this course, we'll explore the basics of working with packages at the command line. Learn how to manage packages on RedHat and CentOS with RPM and the YUM package manager, as well as how to manage packages on Debian, Ubuntu, and related distros with dpkg and the APT or Aptitude tool.

Who this course is for:

  • It's good for all who want to learn Linux
  • IT Specialists
  • System Administrators
  • DevOps Technicians