Be a Consultant Using LinkedIn – A Solid Income Stream

LinkedIn Branding and Moneymaking Acceleration Program

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Gain the upper hand by reversing the situation. Let clients chase you than you chase them.
  • Decipher the patterns of the online buying process on LinkedIn
  • Uncover the benefits of the LinkedIn Sales Funnel
  • Recognize the importance of positioning yourself
  • Understand the customer avatar - and the power of niching down
  • Stimulate the attention of prospects by unwrapping the elements of a magnetic content
  • Perform simple tweaks to your LinkedIn profile resulting in material outcomes through inbound messaging
  • Create a LinkedIn standard account
  • Commit to putting the work
A step-by-step course for corporate professionals, freelancers, and entrepreneurs looking to improve their profile, develop significant partnerships, generate strategic content, attract leads and earn money through LinkedIn.

Working remotely, you could earn up to USD 2,000 per month.

A select group of people is profiting from LinkedIn's gold mine.

The Secret Society of LinkedIn

Through LinkedIn, I have virtually met several people.

I would make room to attend events and meet LinkedIn personalities in my country face to face.

Like me, they joined LinkedIn to

Learn from others

Network with like-minded people

Support the community

And most especially do business.

I also met a specific group of amazing people. By the way, they are NOT celebrities.

And they have a minimal number of followers. But they are making a neat profit by simply being active - and effective on LinkedIn.

They merely shared what they do and offer - and it opened my eyes - and I told myself – That I should do it too!

I listened to them intently. And I learned many things that I did not know about LinkedIn.

An opportunity that is hard to ignore

I hated myself for realizing this late when I began to become more active on LinkedIn. I saw a lot of overpromising courses that tell you income opportunities from LinkedIn - and I had enough of it.

But when I began to explore several models (n LinkedIn) on how to offer my talent, skills, and abilities to other people, it opened my eyes to how specific principles and processes can bring money into your pocket.

There is wealth in LinkedIn - it is for real.

You do not need to be famous.

You do not need a lot of followers.

You do not need to be a great writer or speaker - all you need to do is follow a proven system.

Only a few LinkedIn users are taking advantage of it - even those named Top Users in my home country are missing out on so much from the platform.

As a Business Coach, my role is to bring you from Point A to Point B.

If you are a consultant, coach, business owner, or corporate person wanting to build something - I must teach you how to scale your business and bring more income to your pocket.

You will later realize that there is no need to irritate people to buy from you or desperately sell what you offer or do or spend money on that long commute.

You can have peace of mind by having more cash flowing into your pocket and making money even if you have a full-time job.

Disclosing the Mystery of Making Money On LinkedIn

My Branding and Moneymaking Acceleration Program is what this Secret Society of LinkedIn does. And the good thing about is you do not need to be techie.

Just invest a small amount of time in sharing content. Follow step-by-step instructions and be consistent. You can do this outside your full-time work. No need to be overwhelmed with jargon - Instructions are simple.

And the sweetest thing about it is you can launch anytime you want after completing the online course (at your own pace).

In this course, you will learn how to:

Gain the upper hand by reversing the situation. Let clients chase you - than you chase them.

Decipher the patterns of the online buying process on LinkedIn

Uncover the benefits of the LinkedIn Sales Funnel

Recognize the importance of positioning yourself for leads

Understand the customer avatar - and the power of niching down

Stimulate the attention of prospects by unwrapping the elements of a magnetic content

Perform simple tweaks to your LinkedIn profile resulting in material outcomes through inbound messaging

Who this course is for:

  • New building a consulting business from scratch
  • Practicing consultant or coach struggling to find regular clients
  • Employees building another source of income on the side