Salesforce Certified Platform Developer -1- Practice Exams

Be 100% ready to pass your Salesforce Certified Platform Developer 1 Certification from the first shot !

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 4 Practice Tests

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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Included in This Course

  • 232 questions
  • Simulation#1
  • 59 questions
  • Simulation#2
  • 59 questions
  • Simulation#3
  • 59 questions
  • Simulation#4
  • 55 questions
These exams are designed to give you an idea of what to expect in the actual certification test.

Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions

Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes

Passing score: 65%

The Salesforce Platform Developer I credential is intended for individuals who have knowledge, skills, and experience in building custom applications on the Lightning Platform.

This credential encompasses the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom business logic and interfaces to extend Salesforce using Apex, Visualforce, and basic Lightning Components. To achieve this credential, a candidate must successfully pass the Salesforce Platform Developer I exam. This exam is also a prerequisite to the Salesforce Platform Developer II Multiple Choice exam.

The Salesforce Platform Developer I exam is intended for an individual who has experience developing and deploying basic business logic and user interfaces using the programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform, including practical application of the skills and concepts noted in the exam objectives below.

The Salesforce Platform Developer I generally has one to two years of experience as a developer and at least six months of experience on the Lightning Platform and has invested time in studying the resources listed in this exam guide.

The Salesforce Platform Developer I candidate has the experience, skills, and knowledge outlined below:

Has experience with object-oriented languages such as Apex, Java, JavaScript, C#, and Ruby.

Has experience with data-driven applications and relational databases.

Has experience with Model View Controller (MVC) architecture and component-based architecture.

Knows the capabilities of the core objects in the Salesforce schema.

Knows the capabilities and use cases for formula fields and roll-up summary fields.

Is familiar with and able to leverage relevant declarative capabilities of the platform, where appropriate.

Knows when to use declarative vs. programmatic methods.

Knows when to use the Lightning Process Builder vs. an Apex trigger.

Is familiar with the basics of the Lightning framework.

Can use the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom interfaces to extend Salesforce capabilities and develop custom business logic.

Can extend the Lightning Platform using Apex, Visualforce, and basic Lightning Components.

Is familiar with the development lifecycle from development to testing, and has knowledge of the available environments.

A candidate for this exam is not expected to administer any standard Salesforce applications, develop mobile apps, develop and publish managed products on the AppExchange, perform tuning, or design integrations such as callouts, APIs, and email services.

The Salesforce Platform Developer I exam measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.

Salesforce Fundamentals: 7%

Data Modeling and Management: 13%

Process Automation and Logic: 38%

User Interface: 25%

Testing, Debugging, and Deployment: 17%

Please use these exams to supplement your Salesforce Certification Study! Always check out relevant trail on Trailhead to increase your chances to ace the certification test.

Who this course is for:

  • SALESFORCE CERTIFIED PLATFORM DEVELOPER I Certification Exam students & candidates
  • Any student is preparing for the SALESFORCE CERTIFIED PLATFORM DEVELOPER I certification
  • Anyone is interested in Salesforce world and try to learn Salesforce
  • Anyone interested in passing the Salesforce developer Certification Exam will benefit from this practice test