Containerize SpringBoot Node Express Apps & Deploy on Azure

Learn about Docker, Containers, Azure cloud and start to build and deploy your docker containers to Azure cloud

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2.5 Hours

Price: $119.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • You will learn everything about Docker
  • How to Dockerize Node with ExpressJS Application
  • How to build, run containers and push them to azure container registry
  • What is Azure cloud and how to deploy container based application on Azure cloud
  • Basic of any programming language
Learn everything about Docker & run your Springboot, NodeJS apps inside containers using Docker on Azure cloud.

Following are the topics that you will learn in this course:

What is the need to run applications inside the container

What is Docker

What is Image

What is Container

What is Docker hub

What is Dockerfile

Benefits of using Docker and running applications inside a container

How to create your own Dockerfile

How to build Docker image and Run a container from it

Convert your normal springboot application into a docker based container application

Convert your normal node with express js application into a docker based container application

How check logs inside running container

How to enter inside a running container

How list all images

How to list all running containers

How to delete image and container

What is public cloud

What are different cloud models

What is Azure cloud

What are different Azure cloud services

How to create Azure container registry and Azure container instance

Containers helps to achieve microservices architecture

Containers are backbone of the Kubernetes clusters

You will learn to create springboot application from spring initializer

You will learn about docker hub, its repositories, docker images, tags within each image

You will learn how to tag docker image to a specific version

You will learn to build code again and build image again with a new tag and push it to Azure container registry

You will get the complete source code of the application which you can refer and do changes according to your need and play around with it to further enhance your knowledge.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn about containers and run applications inside containers
  • Anyone who wants to learn about running containers on Azure cloud