PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Practice Exam

PL-900: Be prepared for the Microsoft Exam PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals 2021

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Status: Available
Duration: 3 Practice Tests

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Included in This Course

  • 190 questions
  • Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) : Test 1
  • 52 questions
  • Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) : Test 2
  • 64 questions
  • Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) : Test 3
  • 74 questions
La description

L'examen Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) comprend un nombre de 40 à 60 questions. Et, les questions de l'examen Microsoft PL-900 peuvent être du type étude de cas, réponses courtes, choix multiples, révision de notes, et aussi glisser-déposer, etc. Cependant, pour terminer cet examen, une durée vous sera donnée. de 60 minutes. Et enfin, la note de passage Microsoft PL-900 est de 700 (sur une échelle de 1000). De plus, l'examen vous coûtera 99 $ USD, taxes supplémentaires incluses. Enfin, les candidats peuvent passer l'examen en anglais.

Topic 1: Describe the business value of Power Platform (15-20%)

1.1 Firstly, Describing the value of Power Platform applications

Firstly, analyzing data by using Power BI

acting with Power Apps

building solutions that use Microsoft Dataverse

Then, automating with Power Automate

After that, interoperating with external systems and data

Finally, creating powerful chatbots using a guided, no-code graphical interface

1.2 Describe the business value of extending business solutions by using Power Platform

describe how Dynamics 365 apps can accelerate delivery of Power Platform business solutions

describe how Power Platform business solutions can be used by Microsoft 365 apps including Microsoft Teams

describing how Power Platform business solutions can consume Microsoft 365 services

describing how Power Platform business solutions can consume Microsoft Azure services including Azure Cognitive Services

describe how Power Platform business solutions can consume third-party apps and services

Describe Power Platform administration and security

describing how Power Platform implements security including awareness of Microsoft Dataverse security roles, Azure Identity Services, and Access Management (IAM)

describe how to manage apps and users

describe environments

describing where to perform specific administrative tasks including Power Platform Admin center, Microsoft 365 admin center

describe Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies

describe how the platform supports privacy and accessibility guidelines

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Topic 2: Identify the Core Components of Power Platform (15-20%)

2.1 Firstly, Describe Microsoft Dataverse

Firstly, describing the Power Apps user experience

identifying tables, columns, and relationships

describing environments

Then, explaining use cases and limitations of business process flows

explaining use cases and limitations of business rules

Subsequently, describing the Common Data Model (CDM)

Finally, describe how to use common standard tables to describe people, places, and things

2.2 Secondly, Describe Connectors

describe the native Dataverse connection experience

describe triggers including trigger types and where triggers are used

describing actions

describe licensing options for connectors including standard or premium tier Identify use cases for custom connectors

2.3 Finally, Describe AI Builder

identifying the business value of AI Builder

describing models including business card reader, detection model, form processing model, and prediction model

describe how the Power Apps and Power Automate can consume AI Builder data

Topic 3: Demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI (15-20%)

3.1 Firstly, Identifying common Power BI components

identify and describe uses for visualization controls including pie, bar, donut, and scatter plots and KPIs

describe types of filters

describing the Power BI Desktop Reports, Data, and Model tabs

describe uses for custom visuals including charts or controls Compare and contrast dashboards and workspaces

compare and contrast Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service

compare and contrast dashboards, workspaces, and reports

3.2 Secondly, Connect to and consume data

combining multiple data sources

cleaning and transforming data

describing and implementing aggregate functions

identifying available types of data sources

describing and consuming shared datasets and template apps

3.3 Finally, Building a basic dashboard using Power BI

designing a Power BI dashboard

designing data layout and mapping

publishing and sharing reports and dashboards

Topic 4: Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Apps (15-20%)

4.1 Firstly, Identifying common Power Apps components

Firstly, describe differences between canvas apps and model-driven apps

describe portal apps

identify and describe types of reusable components including canvas component libraries and Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) components

Lastly, describe use cases for formulas

4.2 Secondly, Building a basic canvas app

describe types of data sources

connect to data by using connectors

combine multiple data sources

use controls to design the user experience

describe the customer journey

publish and share an app

4.3 Finally, Describing Power Apps portals

create a portal by using a template

describe common portal customizations

identify differences in portal behavior based on whether a user is authenticated

apply a theme to a portal

4.4 Build a basic model-driven app

add tables to app navigation

modify forms and views

publish and share an app

Topic 5: Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Automate (15-20%)

5.1 Firstly, Identifying common Power Automate components

identifying flow types

describing use cases for flows and available flow templates

describe how Power Automate uses connectors

describing loops and conditions including switch, do until, and apply to each

describe expressions

describe approvals

5.2 Finally, Building a basic flow

create a flow by using the button, automated, or scheduled flow template

modify a flow

use flow controls to perform data operations

run a flow

modify a flow

Sujet 6 : Démontrer les capacités des agents virtuels Power (10-15 %)

6.1 Premièrement, identifier les capacités communes des agents virtuels de puissance

décrire les cas d'utilisation des agents virtuels Power

décrire où vous pouvez publier des chatbots

décrivant des sujets, des entités et des actions

décrire les nœuds de message, les nœuds de question, les conditions, les phrases de déclenchement et le canevas de création

identifier des entités pré-construites communes

6.2 Enfin, Construire et publier un bot de base

créer un bot

créer un sujet

création de sujets de base

appeler une action

tester un bot

publier un bot

surveillance de l'utilisation des bots

surveillance des performances des robots

Who this course is for:

  • All levels