Lets overcome some excuses
Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 34 Minutes
Price: $19.99 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- Why you and many others have not started a business yet
- We explore what holds people back from pursuing their goals
- We will cover some ideas how you can overcome these obstacles
- None
Don't worry you are not alone. For every success story that we see, we don't see the challenges and fears that they overcame to start. We also don't see the millions and maybe billions of ideas that just stay as ideas.
Millions of first-time entrepreneurs have all been afraid to start. They all felt that way. There's nothing wrong with being afraid. But we learn to overcome our fears and pursue our live's calling.
This is a quick 30 minute little course to help you along with your journey. I will be sharing some of the common excuses as well as a couple of tips to start you on your journey.
By the end of this course, I hope that you will be encouraged to pursue your ideas into fruition.
Use this course as a stepping stone to something bigger.
I started my entrepreneurship journey in 2006 and have not looked back. Over the years I have built multiple businesses. I didn't have the start up capital or the connections, but I made it and so can you.
Invest in your future. Enroll in this now.
Do note unlike the “12 Weeks to Starting your Business” program which has live videos, this is a quick easy course with “voice over power-point”.
Its just to get you going and started.
Best wishes!
Who this course is for:
- People who want to start a business
- People who are looking to start a business
- People who have an idea but don't know where to start
- People who are keen to start a side business