I want to connect my Xamarin Forms app to REST API

In less than 3hours, learn how to create a REST API with ASP.NET Core and call it from Xamarin Forms app (iOS & Android)

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Develop mobile app prototype
  • Understand how REST web services works with mobile apps
  • Implement CRUD operations' calls with user interface
  • Be familiar with C#
  • Visual Studio 2017
Most business and consumer mobile apps connects to a backend to store data. As a developer, you need to understand how to implement such a system. HTTP Requests, REST API, JSON, CRUD, DataBinding and HTTPClient are the technology concepts used for the communication between a mobile application and a web service. This course explains these technologies in a simple way by showing their practical side. The objective is that the learner will be able to build his first native cross platform mobile app (iOS & Android) that communicates with a backend, in less than half a day!

As a good preparation for professional development, this course uses the same tools used by professional developers: Visual Studio, Postman, ASP.NET Core, Xamarin Forms and Azure App Service.


What we will be developing
Creating a REST API using ASP.NET Core
Adding the Todo model and its Controller
Testing the web service using Postman
Publishing the web service to Microsoft Azure
Creating the Xamarin Forms project
Implementing a static ListView
Applying MVVM design pattern to our app
Adding DataService to call web services
Implementing HTTP GET request
Implementing HTTP POST request
Creating a UI for sending Todo items
Adding a new ViewModel
Implementing HTTP PUT request
Creating a UI for updating Todo items
Implementing HTTP DELETE request
Creating a UI for removing Todo items
Refreshing Todo ListView using a Button
Refreshing Todo ListView with PullToRefresh
Enhancing the UI design
Who this course is for:
  • Beginner mobile developers and students who want to start their first native cross platform app on iOS and Android.