PyTorch Ultimate 2024: From Basics to Cutting-Edge

Become an expert applying the most popular Deep Learning framework PyTorch

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 18.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • learn all relevant aspects of PyTorch from simple models to state-of-the-art models
  • deploy your model on-premise and to Cloud
  • Transformers
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP), e.g. Word Embeddings, Zero-Shot Classification, Similarity Scores
  • CNNs (Image-, Audio-Classification; Object Detection)
  • Style Transfer
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Autoencoders
  • Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Recommender Systems
  • adapt top-notch algorithms like Transformers to custom datasets
  • develop CNN models for image classification, object detection, Style Transfer
  • develop RNN models, Autoencoders, Generative Adversarial Networks
  • learn about new frameworks (e.g. PyTorch Lightning) and new models like OpenAI ChatGPT
  • use transfer learning
  • basic Python knowledge
PyTorch is a Python framework developed by Facebook to develop and deploy Deep Learning models. It is one of the most popular Deep Learning frameworks nowadays.

In this course you will learn everything that is needed for developing and applying Deep Learning models to your own data. All relevant fields like Regression, Classification, CNNs, RNNs, GANs, NLP, Recommender Systems, and many more are covered. Furthermore, state of the art models and architectures like Transformers, YOLOv7, or ChatGPT are presented.

It is important to me that you learn the underlying concepts as well as how to implement the techniques. You will be challenged to tackle problems on your own, before I present you my solution.

In my course I will teach you:

Introduction to Deep Learning

high level understanding



activation functions

loss functions


Tensor handling

creation and specific features of tensors

automatic gradient calculation (autograd)

Modeling introduction, incl.

Linear Regression from scratch

understanding PyTorch model training


Datasets and Dataloaders

Hyperparameter Tuning

saving and loading models

Classification models

multilabel classification

multiclass classification

Convolutional Neural Networks

CNN theory

develop an image classification model

layer dimension calculation

image transformations

Audio Classification with torchaudio and spectrograms

Object Detection

object detection theory

develop an object detection model

YOLO v7, YOLO v8

Faster RCNN

Style Transfer

Style transfer theory

developing your own style transfer model

Pretrained Models and Transfer Learning

Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Network theory

developing LSTM models

Recommender Systems with Matrix Factorization



Understand Transformers, including Vision Transformers (ViT)

adapt ViT to a custom dataset

Generative Adversarial Networks

Semi-Supervised Learning

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Word Embeddings Introduction

Word Embeddings with Neural Networks

Developing a Sentiment Analysis Model based on One-Hot Encoding, and GloVe

Application of Pre-Trained NLP models

Model Debugging


Model Deployment

deployment strategies

deployment to on-premise and cloud, specifically Google Cloud

Miscellanious Topics



Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)

Enroll right now to learn some of the coolest techniques and boost your career with your new skills.

Best regards,


Who this course is for:

  • Python developers willing to learn one of the most interesting and in-demand techniques