Effective Time Management For Professionals

Time management / Develop the habits of success

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 31 Minutes

Price: $84.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • How to develop the habits of success
  • Set clear priorities
  • Classification of tasks ( Important VS Urgent )
  • Make written plans
  • The ability to apply what will learn
Time management

- Time management one of the important soft skills which people need to improve their life by develop the habits of success because of a lot of people feel that there is not enough time to do all tasks in this world so the course has many ways to improve their life ( the four Ds of effectiveness to achieve maximum effectiveness the truth of eating frog when we see the most important task as a frog which we must start our day by eating it / program your mind by visualize yourself as you want to be )

- How to set clear priorities by using the Pareto principle and the law of three (how do you determine your big three tasks by make a list of all your work tasks and responsibilities from the first day of the month to the last day and through the year

- Classification of tasks ( important VS urgent ) by making a table of four columns

- Make written plans by learn tips and techniques that will help to progress towards being efficient , effective and productive

- Thinking on paper ( seven steps )

- Create the daily to do list before everyday

- Create not to do list ( not important tasks )

- Using the ABCD method to classification of tasks

- Optimise the time by the principle of legation by legate some tasks to others and organize the work space

- Overcome procrastination by develop the habits of success

- Summary the important points which we talking about in the course

Who this course is for:

  • Who wants to develop his time management