Swagger API Documentation with Node JS

Automated API documentation for Node JS API

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • API Documentation using Swagger Tool with NODE JS
  • Should have node js
Dear Students,

In this course, you will learn about swagger API documentation automation. This is a very nice tool and important too.

Swagger UI allows end-user to directly interact with API without having any of the implementation logic in place. It’s automatically generated from your OpenAPI Specification with the visual documentation making it easy for back-end implementation and client-side consumption.

Other benefits are Swagger UI works in any development environment and can run in any browser, be it locally or on the web.

Almost all organizations are using the swagger tool to write API documentation.

So, in this course I will explain below things:

· Introduction to Swagger

· Swagger installation in Node JS

· Writing first documentation for API

· Writing GET method docs

· Writing GET with Param docs

· Writing GET with Schema docs

· Writing POST method API docs

· Writing PUT method API docs

· Writing Delete method API docs

If you already know how to write API using node js, then this course will be very helpful for you, although I have explained basic swagger only which is needed in the project.

After finishing this course,

I hope you will get the knowledge to write API documentation and test restful APIs.

So, just let me know if you learn something from this course.

Who this course is for:

  • API Developer
  • Node JS developer
  • Developer