The Down and Dirty Guide to Getting Your Consulting, Coaching or Service Business Started Fast... In 24 Hours or Less!
Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 3 Hours
Price: $29.99 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- Learn about the most important thing you need to do before you can start your service business
- Discover what most consultants and coaches do wrong when creating an offer
- Learn how to map out your ideal client
- Learn how to map out your signature offer or training program
- Discover how to plan your whole funnel (layers of offers)
- Learn how to create a great tagline & hook for your business
- Learn how to create your sales letter (including the layout and everything)
- Find out how you can build a list of ideal prospects
- Learn how to easily setup the essential parts of your website using free tools
- And much, much more
- Zero requirements. This will help even complete beginners. This is practically a business-in-a-box!
Just 5 simple steps separate you from having your own business (complete with an offer, website, sales page etc) and being where you are, wondering what life could be when you have a business where you can use what you know to make a difference in both your own life and that of others.
Just five steps, that's all it takes.
Once you go through the five steps outlined for you clearly and simply in this workshop, you will have all the essential pieces of the puzzle - no fluff, no complications, just straightforward actionable information to empower you to get started fast.
When you finish the workshop, you will know exactly what you need to to, to get your business up and running.
After going through the Service Business Accelerator, you will know how to craft your compelling offer, you will know how to define your elevator pitch and USP, you will have a simple yet effective framework for building a list of ideal prospects, you'll learn how to determine what your ideal prospects need (which massively cuts down your risk), and much, much more.
This training has been designed to equip you with just what you need to get your service business up and running super fast. In fact, if you really put in the work, you can be up and running with your own service business (complete with sales pitch, website, lead capture mechanism, and offer) in as little as a day!
There's a popular saying in business "money loves speed", and this training fully embodies that idea. Because when it comes to business, moving fast comes with a ton of advantages - but as far as you are concerned, the most important benefit is that it has the potential to create the life of your dream!
You are smart and talented, and you have a lot of life experiences that you have earned the hard way, and there are people out these that will benefit from what you know. In that sense, the more you delay creating your coaching, consulting or service business, the more those people are losing out. So you owe it to yourself, and to the people you can help, to get your business up and running, and your offer out there. Go through the training to get started.
Use what you know to help yourself, create the life of your dreams, and also live a life of impact. It can all start with this one simple step.
Scroll up and click "Buy Now" to get started.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to leverage what they know to create the life they want
- Anyone who wants to start a consulting, coaching or service business
- Anyone who wants to quit the rat-race and become their own boss