The Complete Digital Marketing Strategy For 2022

Build a Digital Marketing Strategy to drive traffic, leads & sales with WordPress, SEO, Email & Google Analytics.

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Price: $84.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Customer Segment and Persona
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Market Research
  • Customer Research
  • Basic Understanding Of Digital Marketing
Learn and master powerful Digital Marketing Strategy to become successful at any marketing campaigns, attracting people and making them your customer.

This Complete Digital Marketing Strategy For 2022 course will help you develop the skills needed to create a winning strategy for any business. This course serves as an introduction to digital marketing strategy and will familiarize you with the digital marketing landscape. By the end of this free course you will know how to use digital technologies to help identify opportunities at a minimum risk.

To be able to create a successful business, marketing campaign, social media, website and so on, you must know the psychology of customers who will be attracted to your business and your product. After that, you have to know how you can design your marketing, website and etc to be in the most effective way possible according to your special type of customers.

For example, depending on your product if you design your marketing that tries to push people toward accepting your deal, on some customers it will have positive effect and on some other customers it will have negative effect and if you don't know the type of your customers, you may destroy your marketing campaign.

Build a Digital Marketing Strategy to drive traffic, leads & sales with WordPress, SEO, Email & Google Analytics.

Digital marketing strategy is useful in many areas such as B2B lead generation, B2C e-commerce, software as sales, sales and marketing, product development, customer services and customer relations, and customer retention.

Places you can use these marketing principles:

Any marketing campaigns (social media marketing, digital marketing)

designing a suitable and convincing website, store, business.

Read and analyze people around you

Find you strength and weakness

How to improve yourself to be more successful at your business and life.

This digital marketing strategy course will introduce you to strategy formulation.

Creating a company narrative or voice.

The basics of market and customer Research.

Planning coordinated multi-channel communications.

Developing a content marketing calendar.

Campaign measurement and analytics.

Defining customer needs.

Customer journey mapping.

And hundreds of other situation that you want to be and act effective.

Who this course is for:

  • Social Media Marketers
  • Digital Media Marketers