How To Achieve Goals Using Less Willpower

Shift Your Mindset, Goal Strategies, and Energy Levels to Achieve Any Goal (1h of videos + 3h of assessments/exercises)

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $84.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • How to use your willpower more efficiently
  • How to increase your willpower over the short term and the long term
  • How your mindset influences your willpower and how to build it
  • How to strategically plan the path to your goal for easier goal achievement
  • Willpower research from top universities and institutes in the world
  • Take willpower assessments that will score your current willpower versus your willpower potential
  • Learn the 18 drivers that affect your willpower score and how you can reach your willpower potential
  • 10 Willpower strategies that you can use depending on your goal or situation
  • Tactics that will help you reduce temptation and negative impulses
  • A goal that you would like to achieve
  • Scrap paper and pen for brainstorming exercises
  • Enough initial willpower to get started!
In this course, I will take you on a step-by-step journey to have more willpower and use it far more efficiently than ever before. So by the end of this course, you will know exactly how to tackle difficult goals AND goal achievement will become easier for the rest of your life.

You Will Shift Your Mindset, Goal Strategies, and Energy Levels to Achieve Any Goal.

You will:

Learn about leading scientific discoveries

Take assessments to understand your willpower potential

Learn how to increase your willpower and execute on your goals

Get everyday, real-life examples to use your learnings

Take interactive workshops that improve your willpower quickly and effectively

Experience shifts while you do the course

Bonus: Supercharge Your Future

Goal Achievement Will Get Easier For The Rest of Your Life!

If a person thought about willpower per calorie instead of jogging minutes per calorie, what would happen? What if they knew the very best techniques to practice this approach? This course takes you on a journey of learning AND doing so that you experience the benefits of the techniques during the course and into the future.

You Will Do It With These 12 Steps:

Overview: How to succeed at a difficult goal (that you have failed at)

Energy: Willpower Secret #1 and your energy flows

Assessment: How much energy do you have each day vs your potential

Exercise: How to design your day for more energy

Goal Strategy: Willpower Secret #2 and how to use your willpower most efficiently

Assessment: Your willpower efficiency versus your potential

Exercise: Increase your willpower efficiency today

Mindset: Willpower Secret #3 and the power of mindset

Assessment: Your mindset power vs your potential

Exercise: Building an effective mindset

Continuous Mindset development: Guided Meditations and Sleeping Yoga Nidra Meditations

Bonus: Supercharge Your Future

This program is proven effective and has a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. All you need is enough willpower to start right NOW!

I hope that you will join me in this amazing course!


"Tim really went into the psychology of personal transformation. He showed me that I was exhausting my willpower and motivation and how to overcome this. I went from feeling depleted all the time to feeling stronger and finally achieving my goal."

- Justyna Augustyniak, Calgary, Canada


"I learned to reduce my temptation, and minimize cravings. I changed my subconscious patterns and changed my life. Tim's techniques worked."

- Felice Dubois, Bend, USA


This course is subject to copyright, terms of use and privacy policies of Tim Joshi

Who this course is for:

  • Those who want more willpower and motivation
  • Those who struggle to achieve an important goal
  • Those who have failed at something and want to succeed on the next attempt
  • Those who want to work smarter and not just harder
  • High Achievers who want to achieve even more
  • Those who are ambitious just need tools and guidance
  • Those who almost never finish
  • Those who make to-do lists but don't do the activities
  • Those who think they are lazy
  • Dieters who want to lose weight or get fit
  • People who want to develop their talents and skills
  • People who want to save money
  • Athletes who want to win awards or compete
  • People who want to build their business
  • Students who want to study more and get better grades
  • Parents who want to develop willpower in their kids