How To Make Independent Feature Film On A Budget

Everything from Pre-Production to Editing - in Under 2 Hours

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • How To Write A Simple Script That Works
  • How To Cast Actors For Indie Films
  • How To Organize A Rehearsal
  • How To Find Locations
  • How To Schedule A Shoot The Right Way
  • How To Hire Crew
  • How To Shoot Your Film The Most Efficient Way
  • How To Edit Your Film
  • How To Distribute Your Film
  • Basic understanding of filmmaking
Hello, my name is Hank Orion. I never went to film school, I had to learn everything I know about filmmaking by making mistakes, on my own. And I will never regret I chose that route. Because for the past five years of my life I learned how to not just be a better filmmaker, but also how to make feature films by myself without relying on other people, make films with whatever equipment I have at my disposal be it an expensive cinema camera, an iPhone or even a GoPro.

Not just that, but I also learned how to make independent films quick, and make them seem like they costed much more to make than I actually spent to make them. And I would love to share what I have learned with you in this course I designed especially for those who're trying to make a film by themselves, with a limited budget, and trying to get it seen. No matter if you're just starting out or you are an experienced filmmaker already, there's always something to learn.

I also do daily vlogs on YouTube where I’m constantly trying to motive and inspire a new generation of filmmakers to come, and showing filmmaker’s life the way it is.

This course also includes agreement templates for your independent film.

Who this course is for:

  • Filmmakers who want to make an independent film
  • People who want to make film
  • People who want to learn how to make a film with limited budget