Learn to secure your SpringBoot based Microservice and RESTful API's using JWT Authentication & Authorization
Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 4.5 Hours
Price: $89.99 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- You will learn basics of security like Authentication and Authorization
- You will learn everything about JWT(JSON Web Token)
- You will learn to Implement JWT with SpringBoot and Spring Security
- You will learn to setup a SpringBoot project from scratch
- You will learn to create API's which will talk to Database using Spring Data JPA
- You will learn to protect your API's based on user role
- You will get the complete source code
- Basic knowledge of Java
- Basic knowledge SpringBoot
We will start with learning concepts like:
What is Authentication
What is Authorization
Importance of securing RESTful API's
What is JWT(Json Web Token)
Various components and terminology associated with JWT
Workflow and a diagramatic use case of using JWT
Than we will move on to the actual handson and implementation of JWT in our Springboot project by following below steps:
Create springboot project from scratch
Adding required maven dependencies
Setup project in Github and follow continous integration process
Setting up database and establishing connection
Create our Hibernate entity classes
Create our controller class
Create the first API
Start configuring JWT and Spring security
Create security related classes like configuartion, filters, service
Making the secret and expiration time configurable
Configuring the allowed and not allowed endpoints
Creating user registration and login endpoints
Creating Role based classes
Create multiple roles
Restrict users to functionalities based on Roles
Setting up github to push code with token
Creating a JWT token
Using the JWT token to call a secured API
Using Postman to test our API's
Mechanism to check if a particular JWT token is valid or not
Extracting user information and role information from JWT token
Complete source code
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to learn about securing API's at an industry grade standard