Sales Job Interview Masterclass - Get The Sales Job You Want

Learn sales interviewing techniques, get the sales job you want. Step through the sales interview, take action, succeed!

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 4 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • What are companies looking for when hiring a sales person and how you can demonstrate this in an interview
  • How to overcome objections and failures in a sales position and how to demonstrate this in a sales interview
  • How to handle questions in sales interviews; pause and think, engage with examples, wrap up well
  • Learn how to conduct yourself before, during and after a sales interview to make the best possible impression
  • Top tips for following up with a recruiter when you have been invited for a sales interview
  • Best preparation techniques for researching the role and finding out more about your interviewer
  • What employers are looking for in interviews and how to best position yourself as the ideal candidate
  • Questions and answers from a live interview webinar with job seekers; see what other people asked and how we answered them
  • Showing up at the sales interview, where to sit, stand, how to introduce yourself and more
  • Engage your interviewers with meaningful eye contact, balanced interaction and body language
  • Following up after a sales interview; email unanswered questions, find out about next steps
  • Write your elevator pitch and submit it to us for feedback; this the 2-3 minutes when you make your first (and best) impressions
  • Manage virtual interviews for sales positions and learn how to put backup plans in place
  • Dress code considerations for interviews; understanding role, industry and your brand
  • How to prepare, plan and learn for a sales interview to maximise your chances of getting the job
  • How to deal with questions and how to bring up the topic of salary in a sales interview
  • There are no requirements or pre-requisites
  • Students will get the most benefit if they are preparing for an interview or anticipating being invited for an interview
I am busy preparing for a physical job interview and all the content in this course is so helpful. I am really enjoying every minute of the course and I am learning so many great tips about the entire interview process. Thank you very much Peter and Tracey. You guys are amazing and super awesome!! Keep up the great work!!" - Shaunel Walker

In this course you will get the benefit from our 40 years of combined experience in sales interviews, recruitment, mentoring, coaching and career progression. Learn exactly how to handle a sales interview so that you maximise your opportunities in the workplace. Whether you are just starting out in your career or climbing the ladder, you will need to know how to ace a your next sales job interview, this includes preparation, conducting yourself during the interview and follow-up afterwards.

You will learn our top tips for sales interviews to get the job or promotion you want. These are proven techniques that brings together Tracey's 20 years of graduate recruiting experience with Peter's 20 years of line management and consulting experience. There are engaging lessons, student Q&A, activities, downloads, PLUS you will submit your "elevator pitch" as an assignment which we will give you feedback on. Don't delay, get the job you want, but you will need to "interview like a boss!" ... get these top tips and more today when you enroll.

This course is engaging, practical and takes you on a powerful journey that supports your individual transformation as a student, or professional at any stage of your career.

Get the following when you enrol:

Engaging lessons that teach you key concepts and build up your confidence so you can apply what you've learnt

A whiteboard lesson that teaches you an overview of the course and your journey of personal transformation to achieve your goal

Downloadable worksheets that you can refer to and get the tips and tricks you need for your activities and actions

An assignment at the end of the course that ensures you continue to take action and achieve your goals

Access to Tracey and Salil at any time through the messaging and assignments feature of the platform

Encouragement from other students who are focused on the same goal, just like you

Enrol today and we look forward to boosting your career with a job-winning interview!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who is applying for a sales position, a promotion or going through a career progression that requires an interview
  • People who want to learn about the interview process; how it works and what employers are looking for