Recommender System With Machine Learning and Statistics

Step-By-Step Guide to Build Collaborative Filtering and Association Rule Based Recommender Using Fastai and Python

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $39.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Understand the hypotheses behind the main solutions of recommender systems
  • Build and train collaborative filtering models with fastai
  • Fetch and visualize latent features
  • Compare and interpret weights and biases
  • Compute support, confidence, and lift
  • Encode an item-order matrix
  • Apply association rule and Apriori algorithm
  • Evaluate results with selected criteria
  • Exercise the trained model on large test datasets
  • Understand basic concepts in machine learning, statistics, and python


Recommender system is a promising approach to boost sales to the next level by suggesting the right products to the right customers.

This course starts by showing you the main solutions of recommender systems in the industry and the hypotheses behind the main solutions. You’ll then learn how to build collaborative filtering models with fastai, and exercise the trained model on test datasets.

As you advance, you’ll visualize latent features, interpret weights and biases, and check what similar users/Items are from the model’s perspective. Furthermore, you’ll build a hybrid recommender system with popularity and association rule, and evaluate the recommendations with selected criteria.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to explain the theories and assumptions of recommender systems and build your own recommender on other datasets using python. The outline of course is as follows:

Why Business Needs Recommender Systems

Roadmap of the Course

The Hypotheses Behind the Main Solutions of Recommender Systems

Hands-on Collaborative Filtering Recommender System With Fastai on Instacart Grocery Dataset

A Quick Eda on the Grocery Dataset

What Is Collaborative Filtering in Depth

How to Build and Train Collaborative Filtering Model With Fastai

How to Visualize Latent Features? Do Popular Items Have a Higher Bias? What Are Similar Users From Model Perspective?

Step-By-Step Guide to Build a Hybrid Recommender System With Popularity and Association Rule

What Is the Definition of Popularity and What Is Support

How to Encode an Item-Order Matrix

What Are Confidence and Lift

What Is Association Rule and How to Apply Apriori Algorithm

How to Evaluate Results With Selected Criteria

End-Of-Course Conclusion

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for all level data scientists, machine learning engineers, and deep learning practitioners who are looking to learn and build recommender systems. Anyone with beginner-level knowledge of the python programming language and machine learning will be able to get the most out of the course.