PMP® Practice Test: Project Management Professional 2021

Prepare yourself to pass the PMP® certification exam in 2021 The Complete PMP® Practice Test - 360 Questions

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2 Practice Tests

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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Included in This Course

  • 360 questions
  • PMP® Practice Exam Set One
  • 180 questions
  • PMP® Practice Exam Set Two
  • 180 questions
The PMP® certification is the most widely and globally recognized project management certification in 2021. It validates your experience and knowledge of Project Management.

Unfortunately PMP® Exam content outline has changed in 2021, Hence old mock test preparations can not completely prepare you to take the challenge. This course can align your preparation to the new expectation of PMI from its students. Each practice test covers a deep understanding to carry out project management responsibilities. The new domains for PMP® are as follow:

People (42%)

Process (50%)

Business Environment (8%)

Why to choose this course?

PMP® Certification changes are covered in this course

2 practice Mock exam for reality check for your preparation.

Most of the questions are close to real exam questions with small changes.

Explanations for every right answers are prepared to make you understand in a clear and concise manner.

The creator for this course has already experienced the difficulty a student can face due to the new change in exam pattern.

PMP® Examination Information

The PMP® certification is comprised of 180 questions. Among which 5 are considered non marking questions. Non marking questions do not affect the score and are used in examinations as an effective and legitimate way to test the validity of future examination questions. All these questions are randomly placed throughout the examination to test the robustness of your preparation.

No. of Scoring Questions: 175

No. of Non Scoring Questions: 5

Total number of Questions: 180

Allotted Time: 230 Minutes

Choose this course and Lets Get it Done!

Who this course is for:

  • Project Managers
  • Candidates of the PMP® exam.