Galatians: Living By Grace

The Complete Morning Soft Skills Course

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 6 Hours

Price: $39.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • This course contains practical application from the book of Galatians.
  • This Bible course includes information about everyday Christian living.
  • This is a pastoral message from Paul's letter to the Galatians.
  • This message is for today's people.
  • The main theme is living by Grace.
  • This course explains law vs. grace.
  • Learn to live by faith.
  • Learn to walk with the Lord.
  • Learn what it means to be spiritual.
  • This course is a Bible message for all people.
  • This course is for those who want to better understand the Bible.
This is a Bible course covering the vital New Testament book of Galatians. The apostle Paul wrote this letter to address issues in the churches of Galatia. Law versus grace is the grand theme. Living by grace is the apostle's conclusion. Topics included are: the gospel, Paul's testimony, false believers in the Galatian churches, living by faith, our daily walk with the Lord and what it means to be spiritual. Over six hours of instruction is included in this course. Each video covers about a half chapter of the letter. How does grace relate to salvation? How does grace relate to our sanctification? These critical subjects are addressed to the Galatian Christians. These same subjects are relevant for us today. Everyday practical living is the expected outcome of this letter. Are we under the law or under grace? Come find out as we travel through this book together!

This course is designed for those wanting to study this Bible book. A common sense approach to the Bible is taken. The book is explained using a normal approach. Each verse is taken in context with the other verses around it. Taking the plain sense of this necessary Bible book is the method used in the teaching and application.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for those who want to learn about the Bible.
  • This course is for those who want to live by grace.
  • Do you want the Bible? Then, you will want this course!