Beginner's Guide to Skills Required for Exports Business

Discover your potential for an exports career. Identify implicit skills and acquirable skills of a successful exporter

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Judge the basic attitude and inherent traits which you must have to become successful exporter
  • External skills, techniques and methods you need to learn to become a successful international trader
  • Basic concept of what all is required in a person to become a successful global business person
  • What are the basic differences in selling domestically and internationally?
  • What skills are required to understand the worldwide differences in consumers?
  • What types of resources are required to explore international markets, products and global demand?
  • This is a the most basic conceptual and introductory short course
  • The course does not require any special knowledge
  • There is no requirement of any qualification or pre reading of any concepts
  • No pre course completion is required for this course
Discovering your potential to become a successful global business professional was a question in your mind for a long time. You needed a short, crisp online course that could help you estimate your chances of success in international trade, exports, imports, global business, and investment. Your wait for such a course is finally over !!!

These are exactly the intentional trading skills described in this short VJ Exports Mastery Series course. This course helps you to discover your inherent skills which can ensure your success in global trade and international business. It also helps you to learn what external skills would be needed to become a successful exporter, importer, and global business professional.

The course covers:

1. Personal experiences in stories which is the foundation of the basic concept behind this course.

2. Experienced accounts and explanation of the external skills which can be learned by anyone to become a successful exporter

3. Some important resources to take off with your future career in global business and trade.

4. Logical, step-by-step explanation of things that would help you succeed in global business and exports.

About the instructor

The instructor has spent his whole life in global business, international trade, exports, imports, and global business travel. An alumnus of IIFT, New Delhi, India, and BITS, Pilani, India, the instructor is a Ph.D. in foreign trade. He has traveled to more than 30 countries and did business in most of these countries. He has been in the business of exports, imports of several types of goods and services from India as well as from other countries. With an experience of more than 30 years in global business, exports, imports, and running his own exports companies, he is best suited to explain the basic concepts of what skills can do the magic.

Course-related important keywords

Export-import business

International marketing

International market research

Export-Import Documentation

How to start exports

This course enrollment comes with

1. Anytime, anywhere eLearning

2. Verified eCertificate on completion of all lessons and assignments

3. 30 days money-back guarantee by UDEMY

4. Lifetime access to the course.

5. Plenty of online resources to take off with an international career in global trade and business

Captions in this course are available in:





Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in a global business career
  • Students of all age groups
  • Small to large business persons
  • Working executives in any kinds of roles