Personal Finance fundamentals for beginners

Fundamentals of necessary financial tools like loans, equities from a day to day personal finance perspective.

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2.5 Hours

Price: $59.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Financial Awareness
  • Portfolio management
  • Financial education
  • Fundamentals of daily finance
  • No.
We keep hearing about financial terms all the time in the news, in conversations, and in almost every kind of media that reaches us. But most of the time we just filter out that information as noise due to the tiresome jargon. What if you just spend a couple of hours and get a basic framework to start making sense of that noise?

The main objective of this course is to create awareness about the bigger picture of the finance ecosystem. The massive diversity in regulations across countries and the financial goals of individuals makes it impossible to come up with one solution that will work for all. Hence, understanding the basics can provide a solid monetary decision-making framework for the rest of your life.

As 36 years old, who has been on the quest to identify the relevant aspect of this financial universe as a common man in an emerging economy, I would like to share a fundamentals crash course that should enable you to ask questions that are relevant to your future and align with the economy you stay in! My experiences are drawn from pure survivorship skills honed by 3 recessions across 2 countries (US and India). More about those at the end of the course. Trust you will find the content helpful in kickstarting your journey towards financial independence in a matter of hours.

Who this course is for:

  • students and early stage professionals.
  • Anyone interested in fundamental entities involved that affect personal finance
  • Professionals with early retirement goals