Put a Dead-Halt Stop to Self-Sabotage and Get Motivated

Stop fear and doubt, form better habits and get inspired. Includes 2 "hypno-acceleration" sessions by Dr. Patrick Porter

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • How to get rid of self-sabotage.
  • How to end procrastination.
  • How to end bad habits and develop productive habits.
  • How to use fear as a motivator.
  • How to keep your eye on your goal.
  • A burning desire for positive change.
Are you a lifelong student of personal development of transformation?

Do you need help with motivation, stress management, or productivity?

If you said "yes" to any of those, a MindMastery course is right for you.

Specifically, students who take our Put a Dead-Halt Stop to Self-Sabotage and Get Motivated course experience these roadblocks:


Procrastination and bad habits

A lack of motivation

And they report these benefits from the MindMastery experience:

Better productivity

Improved goal setting and focus

Less self-doubt

How does it work?

This "Put a Dead-Halt Stop to Self-Sabotage" MindMastery course will guide you through a transformation process to end procrastination and redirect your energy into usable motivation in 4 easy steps.

Begin the positive change process by watching Dr. Porter’s wisdom/motivation content.

Relax and immerse yourself in the hypo-acceleration, creative visualization sessions that address your self-doubt and create new thought patterns.

Activate what you’ve learned by completing each session’s simple action plan for success.

Revisit and repeat whenever you need a refresh/reminder or to discover new learnings within the content. Always be improving!

About the course designer, Dr. Patrick Porter

Dr. Patrick Porter is an award-winning author, inventor, speaker, and Quantum University faculty member. He has devoted his professional career to developing successful neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), meditation, visualization, and hypnosis methods that empower people and is a highly sought-after expert within the personal development industry. He created the MindMastery series to help people like you focus on, visualize, and create the life you desire. He is also the creator of BrainTap Technology™, which uses creative visualization and relaxation to help people overcome stress and insomnia, lose weight, stop smoking, manage pain, accelerate learning, and much more. Patrick’s mission is to better 1-billion brains!

About the "master student", Dan Safkow

Dan is a life-long learner, mental wellness advocate, and the "guide on the inside" of the MindMastery sessions. After experiencing the benefits of Dr. Porter's recordings and technology for himself, he partnered with Dr. Porter to support his mission as the course developer and co-host.

Who this course is for:

  • People who feel stuck or lack motivation.
  • People who want to design their own destiny.
  • People with an interest in brain training through self-hypnosis, guided visualization and NLP.
  • People who feel their brain is out of balance.