Learning Spring with Spring Boot

Learn Spring Boot from Scratch

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Use of Spring Boot Framework
  • Use of Lombok Framework
  • Use of Swagger UI for Rapid API development and testing
  • Use of Dev-Tools for Rapid development
  • Use of JPA to perform CRUD operations
  • Use of Embedded Database for Architecting applications from scratch
  • Basic Java Knowledge is required
In this course along with learning the basics of Spring Boot Framework while designing a Parking Lot Application , you will be learning some of the most desired skills of being counted among the best techies in the industry for web application development. you will learn and understand how to create Swagger-Api, how to use Lombok Framework to minimize the boilerplate even further then most techies can possibly imagine and last but not least understanding of embedded database and leveraging the same for faster application development.

Who this course is for:

  • Working expert's
  • Beginner Spring Boot
  • Advance Spring Boot
  • IT and Computer Engineering students
  • Tech Architect profile
  • Beginner Java