Google Forms - Create A Lead Generation Form & Feedback Form

Learn Google Forms by creating a lead generation form and a customer feedback form - all for free with Google Forms

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $39.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Learn Google Forms in 1 day
  • Learn with practical and interesting projects
  • Create a feedback-gathering form
  • Create a lead-vetting form
  • Gain a great professional skill
  • Computer and Internet connection
Learn Google Forms in an easy, step-by-step walkthrough in under 1 day.

This course is made from fully sharing my screen as I build out the forms and explain my reasoning for choosing various form elements or strategies.


We'll create two useful forms that you can begin using for your business.

The first form element will be a lead-vetting form that you can give to your potential customers to identify which customer may be a strong, high-potential lead with whom you can get on a sales call.

The second project is to create a feedback-gathering form which is something any business or professional can use.


All the tools we'll use in the course are free. You will even get some cloud storage space from Google. You will need a Gmail address to log into the Google Workspace to begin using Google Sheets. If you don't already have a Gmail address, you can easily make one.


If you have questions, know that I am here to help! I answer 99% of student questions within 24 hours. Many students tell me that other instructors don't respond. Well, I do because

1) I care about my students.

2) I feel a responsibility to make sure that students get their money's worth from the course.

Invest in your future. Enroll today.

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals and business owners