70+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - NumPy

Improve your NumPy and Recursion skills in Python programming and solve coding exercise on each concept !

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • hands-on experience of 70+ coding exercises
  • arrays in NumPy
  • random Numbers in NumPy
  • ufuncs in NumPy
  • all about recursion
  • deal with real programming problems in data science
  • guaranteed instructor support
  • basic knowledge of python
  • basic knowledge of NumPy library
You will learn following concepts by solving coding exercises:

Creating Arrays using Numpy in Python

Accessing Arrays using Numpy in Python

Finding Dimension of the Array using Numpy in Python

Negative Indexing on Arrays using Numpy in Python

Slicing an Array using Numpy in Python

Checking Datatype of an Array using Numpy in Python

Copying an Array using Numpy in Python

Iterating through arrays using Numpy in Python

Shape of Arrays using Numpy in Python

Reshaping Arrays using Numpy in Python

Joining Arrays using Numpy in Python

Splitting Array using Numpy in Python

Sorting an Array using Numpy in Python

Searching in Array using Numpy in Python

Filtering an Array using Numpy in Python

ufuncs in Numpy (Arithmetic operations on arrays)

Generate Random Number using Numpy in Python

Generate Random Float using Numpy in Python

Generate Random Array using Numpy in Python

Generate Random Number From Array using Numpy in Python

Create Sets in Numpy

Finding Union of Sets in Numpy

Finding Intersection of Sets in Numpy

Finding Difference of Sets in Numpy

Recursion in Python

Why would you take this course?

Practice and boost your NumPy and Recursion skills in Python with coding exercises.

I am answering all your questions, usually in less than 24 hours.

No slides, no boring theory, no rambling, no chitchat. Just coding exercises.

There is NO REQUIREMENT of any cross-platform. You just need a desktop/laptop and start your practice on Udemy inbuilt IDE without any software!!!

What's this course all about?

You will be provided with a complete environment to solve NumPy and Recursion Coding Exercises with their solutions.

Join us and learn all concepts of arrays in NumPy and Recursion in Python with Coding Exercises.

Our main target will be hands-on experience of NumPy and Recursion coding with a lot of examples, lectures with solutions with multiple techniques.

At the end of the course, students will have hands-on experience of NumPy and Recursion and guess what ? We are always there to help you for each exercise 24/7.

If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!


The course is designed for people who have basic knowledge of Python and it consists of exercises with solutions.

This is a great test for people who are learning Python and are looking for new challenges. Exercises are also a good test before the interview.

Knowledge of Python is one of the most desirable technical skills on the job market. If you're wondering if it's worth taking a step towards Python, don't hesitate any longer and take the challenge today.

Why not get started today?

Click the Signup button to sign up for the course!

Who this course is for:

  • everyone who wants to learn by doing
  • everyone who wants to improve their Python programming skills
  • everyone who wants to improve their data science skills
  • everyone who wants to prepare for an interview