Everything about Kubernetes, Deployment, CIS, Rancher, GitOps, EKS, KOPS, K3s, Ingress, ECR, Longhorn, Multi-cluster,
Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 6 Hours
Price: $29.99 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- How to work with Kubernetes in Production environment.
- Docker is the prerequisites, You can also checkout my course on Docker.
Don’t waste any more time wondering what course is best for you. You’ve already found it. Get started right away .
One more thing if you want to learn something remember these three words ....... Practice! Practice! Practice!
Kubernetes is at the cutting-edge of application deployment. To elevate your DevOps career, learn how to effectively deploy applications on Kubernetes.
This course helps you gain the knowledge required to design and deploy cloud-native applications on a Kubernetes cluster.
After this Course you can also check out my course on HELM 3, it will help you alot in managing and deploying the applications. Best of Luck.
Keep Learning !!!
Who this course is for:
System Administrators
DevOps Professionals
Application Developers
Who this course is for:
- Everyone who wants to learn Microservices and Kubernetes