Liquidity, Retirement, Living Benefits and Death Benefits And How They Impact Your Success
Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours
Price: $29.99 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- Plan for lucrative opportunities
- Plan for unexpected emergencies
- Understand the power of Compound Interest
- Have an open mind
- Be willing to do some introspective work on their financial
Today, the average American home has over $16,000 in credit card debt, says NerdWallet.
But the #1 cause of bankruptcy is healthcare costs. Not being prepared for an emergency can ruin you.
And personal finances are not just a North American problem. According to the Mirror in the UK: "The amount of personal debt has hit a staggering £1.5 trillion..."
Obviously, something needs to be done and you are the only person who can do it.
By understanding, then mastering the Four Fundamentals of Financial Planning, you will set yourself on a course towards achieving whatever monetary and lifestyle goals you want. In this fast-paced course, Dwayne Richards shows you how easy it is to take control of your bank account and live the life you want.
The course covers in detail:
Dwayne Richards, CPA, CMA, Financial Security Advisor and Business Consultant, shows you every strategy, secret and tactic you will need to prevent you from being an 'Average American' with $16,000+ in credit card debt.
Don't wait! Register today!
Who this course is for:
- Small Businesses
- Entrepreneurs
- Home Owners