Security Awareness Training : Internet security and privacy

Basic security awareness guide on Internet security and privacy to help keep you, your home, and your employer safe.

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 1 Hours 18 Minutes

Price: $0.00 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Discover about online security and privacy!
  • Practical examples to differentiate real email and a scam email!
  • Learn how to browse safely
  • Create secure and strong password
  • No prior Knowledge required
Data breaches are on the rise and it's getting more and more dangerous to function online. This is where a good security awareness program is important. Most importantly, we (the nerds) need YOU to help keep things secure.

That's right. Security is more than an IT or Security department function and we haven't been as good at communicating that to you in the past.

You may hear professionals claim how everyone is getting compromised over simple attacks that have been around for decades. It starts off as something that's easy to prevent then launches into an intelligence war. "It's easy to protect yourself," some may claim. "All you need to do is be careful what you download, who you talk to, and what you allow to happen." They give off the vibe that people don't care.

If you boil everything down to its most basic essence, then maybe that could be true. If it's so easy then why do we continue to get hammered with news of more breaches?

Unfortunately, even the best security awareness programs out there are missing one key part.

The WHY.

This security awareness training course will not only give you the "what" to look out for, but also the "why" and how the "what" works. After taking this course you'll be armed with knowledge on how to better protect yourself and your organization from threats.

Surprisingly, the biggest change will probably not be to start doing, but rather to stop doing. You'll be surprised to how some of your behavior is super risky, even without you realize you were doing it.

And the best part is, I won't twist your arm or shame you into changing. I sincerely want you to succeed so there's no victim shaming here. I believe there's a better way to change your behavior than vehemently shove security terms and nerd speak down your throat.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is targeted towards employees who access the web as part of their jobs, whether it is through websites or email! If you are not an employee, this course is still for you as there are many things to learn about security and privacy online.
  • This course is being offered at a basic level and is suitable for all people whether they have knowledge in this area or not.
  • Learn about phishing attacks, data leakage, social engineering, safe browsing practices, as well as many other general security and privacy tips!
  • This course is not intended for people looking for advanced knowledge on internet security and privacy.