Supply Chain Management : Inventory Management and Control

2021: Inventory Management in Supply Chain Management and Inventory Management in Warehouse and Logistics Management

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Inventory Management and Control with implied knowledge Supply Chain Management Students and Professionals.
  • Lear types of inventory based on stage.
  • Learn types of inventory based on purpose.
  • Total overview of Inventory in Manufacturing and Supply Chain
  • Learn Tools to Management and Control Inventory
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of High and Low Level of Inventory
  • The Role of Information Technology in Inventory Management and Supply Chain
  • Costs associated with Inventory
  • The Approach to follow while your Inventory is under production
  • A positive attitude :)
Practical Course on Realtime business knowledge to manage Inventory in Supply Chain. As Inventory management is the heart of supply chain one needs to manage Inventory because inventory is deciding factor in profit and loss of your organization. As it is wisely said Inventory is money you have invested to make profit. This course will help you sell your Inventory fast and give you ROI for your inventory by keeping inventory at the lowest level.

As the demand for Supply Chain professionals has increased a managers who can bring profit to the organization has also increased knowing your inventory level is the most important thing in Supply Chain.

This course will give you answers to all your question when you can fall in trouble by your wrong inventory decisions and what are the right moves for your inventory levels


Introduction to the Syllabus of the Course on Inventory Management and Control

What is Inventory and Inventory Management

Based on stage Inventory

Based on Purpose Inventory

Why inventory should be managed well

Advantages and Disadvantage of High and Low level of Inventory

Advantages and Disadvantage of High and Low level of Inventory

Cost of inventory

Hidden Cost in Inventory

Reasons to hold Inventory

Inventory under Production

Finished Goods Inventory

Sales and Operation Plan and Outsourcing Inventory

Forecasting Inventory level for future sales

Tools for Inventory Management and Control

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for the ones who are working in Logistics, Supply Chain, Export and Import industry this course will help you gain knowledge about Inventory Management and operations in depth covering interesting topics the instructor of this course has kept this course very practical no text book definitions and boring theory.