Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners - 10.5 hours

Become an Expert in Digital Marketing

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 10.5 Hours

Price: $129.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Students will Learn How to Use Digital Marketing to Scale their Business or Work as Consultants
  • No Requirements
This Digital Marketing Course video has everything you need to know about Digital Marketing.

This video covers a wide range of topics like the basics of Digital Marketing, Best Digital Marketing tools, search engine optimization, SEO tips and tricks, keyword research, how to rank 1 on Google, and Google tag manager.

The below topics are explained in this Digital Marketing Full Course:


1. What is Digital Marketing

2. Why is Digital Marketing is important

3. What is Digital Marketing

4. Types of Digital Marketing

5. Customer Lifecycle

6. How is Digital Marketing useful

7. What are the types of Digital Marketing

8. Search engine optimization

9. Content Marketing

10. Social Media Marketing

11. Search engine marketing

12. Affiliate marketing

13. Native Advertising

14. Email marketing

15. online PR

16. Search engine optimization tools

17. Email marketing tools

18. Web Analytics tools

19. Competitor Spying tools

20. Paid marketing tools

21. Affiliate marketing tools

22. Social Media Marketing tools

23. Why SEO

24. What is SEO

25. How Does google rank websites

26. Types in SEO

27. Do's and Dont's of SEO

​ 28. How Does Search engine works

29. Types of SEO

30. Image alt text

This video covers a wide range of topics like Google ads, Google display network, Google analytics, how to set up goals in Google ads, Google data studio, how to start with social media marketing, facebook ads, facebook ads tips and strategies, how to rank youtube videos, how to create a youtube channel, how to increase youtube subscribers, youtube ads, how to increase followers on instagram, and how to increase twitter followers. This video covers the domains of Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing. Now, let's get started with this Digital Marketing Course video!

Who this course is for:

  • Students that want to create and monetize their Online Business and earn a significant income from it every month