Learn Python from Basics to Production

Learn Python from scratch. Completely hands on coding course. Basics to Advance

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 5.5 Hours

Price: $19.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Python fundamentals for coders and non-coders.
  • Develop skills to think in computational way
  • Learn logic and how to use different syntax and functions to build solutions
  • Understand Python at its core


  • Just a device where you can stream these videos and learn Python in a new way.
This course is for anyone who wants to learn python. I will cover the basic implementation of different functions and how to use them together to create solutions.

We will see different kinds of in-built functions, object-oriented programming, and how to solve different problems. We will not only learn python but problem-solving in the computational world too.

After going through this course you will be ready to jump into creating real-world projects.

I designed this course structure after finding a pattern among different students. These were a few things which were required in all fields. I combined, structured, and built this course to be a base foundation from where you can transition into any specific field. No matter if it's data science, a simple job, academics or just for fun.

I started from very basic covering the idea behind the programming language. Then I explained each topic with their general life usage. I tried to explain the working of each bit. How to combine these tiny pieces of code and convert the result into a working model.

This course is enough to get you started in the world of programming. No matter if you are a programmer or not, this course will surely help you.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn Python.
  • People with coding background and without coding background.