JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP - Certification for Beginners

A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners interested in learning JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 6 Hours

Price: $159.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Master Client-Side and Server-Side Interactivity using JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP
  • Learn to create mobile responsive webpages using Bootstrap
  • Learn to create client and server-side validated input forms
  • Learn to interact with a MySQL Database using PHP
  • Basic Computer Skills
Welcome to the JavaScript, Bootstrap, & PHP - Certification Course for Beginners.

This course offers an excellent introduction into three of the most widely used programming languages available for both front-end and back-end development.

Students will start with adding client-side interactivity to web pages using JavaScript. JavaScript is a powerful language that can be used to add numerous functions to web pages, ranging from form validation to animated objects. By using the Document Object Model, students will manipulate individual html and css elements using JS.

The JavaScript section will include a number of key concepts including:

JavaScript output

Variable declarations

Arithmetic operators



Math functions


Conditional statements


Functions and events

+ Much More

In addition to JavaScript, students will also learn how to create responsive web page layouts using the popular - Bootstrap library. Bootstrap is widely known as the most popular CSS Framework for developing mobile-first websites. It is a completely open-source framework which contains both CSS and JavaScript based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components.

The Bootstrap section of the course will cover the following key concepts:









Progress Bars





Drop-Down Menus


+ Much More

Lastly, students will explore adding dynamic server-side functionality to web pages using PHP. PHP is another widely adopted open-source programming language. With PHP, developers can integrated databases into their web development projects and really take their skills to new dimensions.

The PHP section of the course will cover the following key concepts:

Variable Declaration

Data Output

Working with Objects

Conditional Statements




Form Validation

+ Much More

Who this course is for:

  • Students interested in learning JavaScript, Bootstrap, or PHP
  • Students interested in coding client-side web page interactivity using JavaScript
  • Students interested in coding server-side interactivity using PHP