Rock Paper Scissors - Python Tutorial

A deep guide in to creating a Rock Paper Scissor program in Python.

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 42 Minutes

Price: $0.00 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Successfully create a Rock, Paper, Scissors program.
  • Use while True loops.
  • Use Integer and String variables.
  • Use the Random function.
  • Use the time function.


  • You will need Python 3.5. Download link in lecture 1 resources.
  • You can install Python if you run either Mac OS, Windows or Linux
Welcome to my 4-lecture course on how to create a rock, paper, scissors program with Python.

Python is a command line based program which allows users to code in a lot of ways allowing them to make very advanced programs. I have been learning Python for several months now and enjoy using it to code some really cool programs.

This course will take you through creating the program which includes features like:

Time Delay
The course will take you just over 30 mins and will teach you pretty much most aspects of the program. In the first lecture I show you the end result of what we will be making, this gives you an idea if you want to continue the course. In the next lectures 2-4 I design the program and in the last lecture I conclude the course.

Just to make you aware this program is made in Python 3, if you are using an older version the program may not work.

I am making this course FREE (at the moment) to help out everyone who wants to learn more about Python.

If you are unsure on anything don't hesitate to contact me.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for anyone who runs the latest version of python and wants to improve their knowledge.