Break free from the chains of low engagement, slow growth, & no sales on Instagram with the latest strategies for 2021.

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 6 Hours
Price: $129.99 $0.00
Note: Udemy FREE coupon codes are valid for maximum 3 days only. Look for "Get Coupon" orange button at the end of Description.
What you'll learn
- Have you had some success on Instagram but the recent changes have made it difficult for you to succeed? This course will teach you exactly how to understand the changing algorithm and conquering it
- This course gives you a bulletproof Instagram marketing strategy to follow instead of going in circles and trying random thing without achieving success as you have been doing
- Struggling to sell your products on Instagram? You'll learn 18 sales strategies that will help you get more sales than you can handle from Instagram
- Poor reach and engagement? does going viral consistently seem impossible for you? time to break free from the chains of poor reach and start going viral and growing like crazy!
- Be open minded
Note: Read every word carefully
So what is the challenge?
Read This description to the end and watch all the "Sample Videos", then take the course immediately if you learn something new
But if you don't learn anything new then completely ignore and I'm sorry for wasting your time.
If you take the full Instagram Marketing course and you don't finish as a better Instagram Marketer I will refund all your money and apologize for wasting your time
If you are reading this right now then it's probably because you have one of the following problems on Instagram:
- Poor reach and low engagement
- Inability to develop consistent growth with tested strategies
- Low or no sales gotten from Instagram in the past 10 days
Now I want you to answer the following questions to know if this course is right for you, are you ready?
*Let's begin*
Do you have a complete Instagram Marketing strategy that will guarantee your success on the platform?
Or are you doing a lot of random things right now?
Have you heard about how people can go viral on Instagram, but have had no success trying these tricks?
Have you had some success on Instagram but the recent changes have made it difficult for you to succeed?
Have you spent hours reading blog posts, and watching videos on Instagram marketing but still struggling to "hack it"?
Have you taken other courses that didn't prepare you for the sudden changes in the algorithm?
Have you answered the questions asked?
Now let me introduce you to the enemy, the circle that keeps your growth and sales on Instagram "chained"
The enemy is called the circle of doom and most people keep going round this circle of No defined strategy, No Focus, and No Consistency, does this sound familiar?
Hi, I'm Emmanuel and I understand the pain of going round in this circle as I experienced it when I first started my Instagram Marketing journey, and this is why I created this 9 module course called Instagram Unchained.
I don't want you to waste a lot of energy, time, and money trying random stuff like I did and this is why I created this course aimed to help you break free from low engagement, poor or inconsistent sales, and outdated growth strategies that don't work.
This course contains over 80 videos and is divided into 9 parts (modules), let's take a look at each one
*Are you ready?*
All good houses need a solid foundation and account setup is the foundation of Instagram growth and marketing.
In this module we look at why all accounts are not the same and how to "train" an account to go viral and grow fast.
There is no growth or sales without content and in this module I will hold your hand and walk you through how to steal, create, and recreate content that goes viral and sells.
Will likes, saves, and comments guarantee you go viral on Instagram in 2021? No! In this module we discuss the secret keys to going and staying viral in 2021.
Do you know hashtag hacking is a science? In this module I will give you the formula that will allow you rank in the top 9 of hashtags every day!
Are you limited to only a few growth strategies right now? stop that! In this module I will show you 18, Yes 18! different growth strategies you can use to grow as many followers as you like.
In this module I walk you through the reasons people buy and I'll show you 15 Instagram Marketing strategies to sell on Instagram and 3 more strategies to make money even if you don't have a product!
This module is a summary and combination of growth and sales strategies required to help you market your ecommerce business, local business, and personal brand on Instagram.
Are you scared of the "shadow ban" or action blocks? in this module you will learn how to avoid and beat all the common types of Instagram Bans and Restrictions.
Automation is not in this course as it is against Instagram's terms of use, in this course we avoid all sketchy methods that will make you lose the trust of Instagram.
Who Is This Course For?
This is for you if you want to finally break free from the circle of doom and want to have a lot of knowledge on Instagram marketing to be able to serve yourself and also serve clients.
Who Is This Course Not For?
This course may be quite overwhelming if you do not need knowledge on growing different types of accounts (business, personal, and viral account) so I suggest you avoid this course if you don't need that much information.
Remember the challenge? Watch all the sample videos in the "preview course" section and take the course if you learn something new from one of the sample videos.
Also remember I will give you a full refund and apology for wasting your time if you take this course, and apply the lessons learnt without becoming better at Instagram Marketing.
Start now! Watch the sample videos in the "course preview" section of this course intro
Who this course is for:
- Social media marketers
- Instagram marketers
- Digital marketers
- Beginner social media marketers with an interest in Instagram
- Instagram Marketing