Certified Authentic Living Coach - Specialist training

Discover the freedom and power of living authentically and help your clients to maximise their results

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 3.5 Hours

Price: $129.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • How to apply the principals of authetic living to every day life for personal growth and development
  • Students will learn how to use the power of the mind to access their resources so that they can achieve more, easily
  • Learn how to help others to be true to themselves and live authentically so that they can live with stress
  • Will learn how to respect other peoples model of the world and see things through different lenses
  • Have an open mind and and a willingness to learn
  • Must have a desire to live authentically and be free of constraints and dogma
  • Must be prepared to take action on the topics learned so that you can see result in record time
  • A keen interest in the mind wold be useful
Isn't it just so easy to follow the crowd? It seems it takes guts sometimes to be yourself.. This course is for the people that want to stand out and be themselves regardless of what the 'norm' is. Your power is in your uniqueness and being authentic is a part of that. If you cant be true to yourself who can you be true to right?
This course shows you how to pull your true self back to the forefront of your mind and helps you coaches to do the same. This is a unique course that draws on decades of experience from one of the worlds leading online coaches/ instructors.

Who this course is for:

  • Coaches who are looking to assist their clients in being true to themsleves
  • Anyone who struggles with being authentic in varying contexts
  • Want to be coaches who are looking to find their niche so they can become more effective
  • Anyone who wants to join a community of coaches and mentors looking to make an impact in the world