Learn the fundamentals behind the open source robotics framework - ROS

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 58 Minutes
Price: $0.00 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- Master the basics of ROS
- Build distributed software and drivers for a robot
- Learn to program robots in a professional way
- You should be able to get around a linux based operating system
- You should at least have beginner level experience with a programming language
ROS is all you need to transition from a hobbyist to a professional developer in the robotics domain! ROS is currently being used by hundreds of universities and tech start-ups around the world.
ROS powers a huge number of wheeled mobile robots, manipulators, aerial vehicles and much more! Basically, any kind of robot can be integrated to run with ROS. Research & Development is not the only place where ROS plays a major role. In real products, ROS has been successfully deployed in hundreds of robots. The current list of companies using ROS includes major players like Segway, ABB, Clearpath Robotics etc. and is growing every day!
This course covers the basics of ROS. It introduces you to the world of professional robotics programming! You will learn the tools and services that the ROS ecosystem offers in a structured and power-packed manner. If you master the content presented in this course, there is nothing to stop you from learning to program and use ANY robot that runs the ROS core libraries. It can be integrated with popular computer vision libraries like OpenCV and Deep Learning frameworks like Tensorflow, Caffe, perception library like PCL and motion planning library like MoveIt!
What this course doesn't cover:
- Anyone who wants to build and program robots with Robot Operating System
- Robotics enthusiasts and hobbyists
- Well suited for electronics and computer science students