10 Steps To Permanent Happiness

1 journey, 10 steps, 10 tools to achieve permanent happiness

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 2 Hours

Price: $104.99 $0.00

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What you'll learn

  • Get psychology science-baked information , tools and techniques to help you change your life and yourself
  • Manage your own thoughts, emotions, behavior and life
  • Overcome worry with 2 simple & powerful techniques
  • Explore and develop your strengths ( + FREE Character strengths test)
  • Improve relationships ( love, family, friends)
  • Understand why you feel down ( bad mood, low energy)oy life
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Feel happiness, joy and life satisfaction
  • Managed to make your life happy, fulfilled and meaningful
  • Know how to use the full potential of your mind, body and soul
  • Love yourself no matter what
  • Get list of the food that gives you vitamins and minerals needed for energy and pleasant emotions
  • Know how to accept yourself and life circumstances
  • Learn how to understand and be kind to yourself
  • Be able to live in a present moment
  • Just decision to take your life in your hands and become happy
This is a lifetime journey that we will take together. I will be your teacher, guide, psychologist, motivator and friend.

To be truly happy we need to learn and understand why we are unhappy, what is happiness and how we can achieve it. We have different types of happiness, but here we are going to be focused on permanent happiness.

For permanent happiness, we have to make changes in our minds and soul. So we are going to learn about long-term solutions, methods, and techniques because that is the only way to be permanently happy.

According to my approach, I made a combination of knowledge and a real experience to create this course.

I am talking about happiness as a psychologist

who spent many years studying and researching the psychology of happiness.

But what is more important, I am talking about happiness as someone who finds

himself in a difficult situation, experienced deep sorrow, and then managed

to return to the path of the happy ones. And I succeeded.

It will be my pleasure to help you to take your life in your hands and create a meaningful and happy life.

We will learn about a different life and personal tools and they are so powerful, so when you master

them, you will be able to use them to manage your thoughts, emotions, behavior, and life.

This all works because the process is always :

Though> Emotion> Reaction> Behavior> Constant behavior> Life style> Happiness or unhappiness.

All 10 steps are connected, and to take the next step you have to finish the previous one first.

After every step you will have a TASK and find PDF/WORD files with exercises and tasks, so you will be able to apply what you learned immediately.

Open your mind, open your heart and take my hand! Let's go!

When you finish the course, please don't hesitate to ask me anything you want. In generally about course or about your personal situation.

I am here for you anytime!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who want to discover a more happier and meaningful life!
  • Everyone who want to get lifetime tools for permanent peace, joy and happiness!
  • Everyone who is ready for beautiful personal change