Learn complete python with basics, data science, data visualisation, desktop graphical applications and python for web.
Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 31.5 Hours
Price: $194.99 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- Complete Python.
- Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc.
- Terminal based programming applications using Python.
- Artificial intelligent Python game.
- Python for desktop applications and GUI programming.
- Creating desktop applications using Tkinter with Python.
- Using databases using Python.
- Turtle graphics for creating graphical applications and motion using Python
- Real working 5+ graphical games using Python.
- Use of keyboard keys to move objects in your applications and in games using python
- learn to build smart calculators and dictionaries using python.
- Datascience and data visualisation using python.
- data visualisation using Matplotlib in python.
- data visualisation using Seaborn in python.
- data visualisation using pandas in python.
- data visualisation using poorly and cufflinks in python.
- data analysis using Numpy and pandas in python.
- geoplotting using python.
- learn to build an automatic plotter for data visualisation.
- learn to build big data analysis project with more than 60million + data using python.
- basemaps using python.
- just will to learn and achieve great things.
1.Python for graphical applications.
2.Tkinter - for building desktop applications and actually user interface.
3.Turtle graphics - for learning graphical design using python and to learn controlling objects in computer using keyboard.
4.Databases - for learning that how you can store the data of your games, apps and programs.
5.Python for datascience.
6.Numpy - Learn to create data in form of datasets and analysing data using python.
7.Pandas - To create data frames and analyse them and to visualise data in form of 3-D graphs and 2-D graphs.
8.Matplotlib - To create data visualisations.
9.Seaborn - To create animated plots.
10.Plotly and cufflinks - To create interactive plots.
11.Geographical plotting - To create global scale plots.
12.Python date and time functions.
13.File handling
14.Controll objects using keys.
15.Creating infinite graphical designs.
16.Functions and methods in python
17.Loops and conditionals.
18.Basics and datatypes in python.
What you are going to build in this course(Better if you see in the preview videos):
1.Caterpillar game with proper interface and keyboard control.
2.Smart calculator - Did not need to add symbols just give numbers and ask for any operation.
3.Your own routine database application with proper intrface.
4.An egg catcher game with graphical interface and keyboard control.
5.your own screen pet with gestures.
6.Match maker project.
7.Robot graphics.
8.Kaliedo spiral and modified kaleidoscope spiral(graphical design).
9.An automatic data plotter with more than 30 Types of plots.
10.A geographical baseman plot.
11.Big data analysis project(more than 60+ million data).
12.Artificial inteligent Tic Tac Toe(play against computer).
13.A Dictionary.
14.Hangmen game.
15.Dice rolling simulator.
Who this course is for:
- Everyone who want to learn python.