Have a better life

Platform: Udemy
Status: Available
Duration: 39 Minutes
Price: $0.00 $0.00
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What you'll learn
- You will be able to speak and write English more politely.
- You will find it easier to find work, impress native speakers, get taken more seriously, make people like you more, help diffuse confrontations, show more respect, complain politely, get people to say "Yes", express difficult emotions, and much more.
- You should be an intermediate or advanced student of English
What some students have said about this course:
It's a wonderful course on polite English. Everybody need to take this course.
Awesome course. Very useful information. Thank you.
Excellent instructress! She speaks fluently, her presentation is clear and her demeanour is calm. Her lessons are well planned and organized and everything is clearly stated on the whiteboard so it is very easy to follow her lectures.
Are you sure that you speak and write English politely?
Even though you don't realise it, other people may think you are being a bit rude sometimes..
If you speak and write English more politely, there is a good chance that you will:
find better work,
impress native speakers,
be taken more seriously,
deal with confrontations better,
get people to say "yes" more,
make more friends,
get more dates,
and in general have a happier more relaxed life.
This course covers a lot of different areas, and only takes 40 minutes to complete. It is well worth doing, and it could have quite a dramatic positive effect on your life.
Enroll in the course now, and see you on the other side.
By the way if you like this course you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE the much much bigger follow on course "Mastering Polite English in Two Hours" by the same instructor Cerys Vaughan . Get it now, and everybody will be so impressed with your politeness!
Who this course is for:
- You should either be working or studying in English, or plan to do so. You should already have at least an intermediate knowledge of English.